Monday 8 October 2012


Social network is becoming popular and most of the people use social network as a platform of doing business. previously, social network is the platform to connect among friend of long lost friend and at the same time create new friend in the social network. Previously, social network been monopolized by young generation but even now, our grandparents delighted of using social network. Its shows that all generation are accepting technologies. Social network can be a platform of doing business.

During my time as Tupperware dealers, i used to hoping to other to another house for just doing a business and selling Tupperware. Actually this is a effective way for meeting friends and at the same time more income can be generate but how this situation can be sustain if our daily life is getting busier? That is why people changing their way of doing business? Do you think so? As for me, business online ‘tumbuh macam cendawan’ today. Sadly, i’m not a Tupperware dealer anymore. My life getting busier and must be I’m not a business minded. comment on that..

I think social network was a good opportunity for those who are keen of doing online business. Moreover, its save time and cost. Instead setting up a shop lot, you can use your home as your office. I can imagine, if i were Tupperware dealers, I will use social network as a platform of doing business. one day.. insyaAllah..


Look at cellular devices for instance. It’s become more than just a tool used for chatting; it’s become something we rely heavily upon. With most phones, users can add up to 300 contacts, browse the net, store vital information and remind themselves of important dates such as anniversaries and birthdays, all while listening to the built-in MP3 player. Things can come to a point where it’s more than a cell phone; it can become something similar to a companion. Some people store their entire lives into a cell phone and are in a state of total turmoil when the small piece of equipment is misplaced or accidentally gets some liquid spilled over it.

We may never know how important it is to know a telephone number or two by heart (like people did in previous decades) until our battery dies and we’re stranded somewhere in unfamiliar territory. Just imagine that!!.

As for myself, during my diploma in 2000, i don’t have an handphone at all. At that point of time, most of my friend, have a handphone. Just wondering, handphone was a necessity or lavish things for 18years teenagers? I’m ok with no handphone. Nobody can trace me unless some of them called my friend numbers and i’m good in memorize friend numbers. That for sure.. i’m sure, at that point of time, handphone was a trend not a necessity.

Time flies... after i started my first job in Ambank in 2003, i got my 1st handphone. Nokia brand. Most of my colleagues have a high-tech phone. Built in camera and MP3 and colourful screen. And the best part is, my 10 years old niece asking me to brought her handphone!! And i answered her back, why do you want handphone? My niece said that, everyone in the schools have and handphone. I’m shocked and lastly, i said to her, do you know that, when I was 10 years old, i didn’t even think to have an handphone.. but after a while, because of sympathy, I told to my niece  “you can have mine and i will buy a new for me”. She was delighted even though it was just normal phone. No built in camera, no MP3 and no colourful screen. I wondering, handphone, are becoming a trend or necessity?

And nowadays, handphone are smartphone. Apple, Blackberry and Samsung are now the trends for everyone like us. Herm.. within 10 years, the evolution of handphone to smartphone was change tremendously. after HANDphone and now SMARTphone. In future, _____phone. which is i have no idea what will the next evolution of phones so far. So phones are becoming necessity isn’t it?



Autism.. For those who didnt know the meaning is..

“Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and by restricted and repetitive behaviour. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before a child is three old. (Wikipedia)

in layman term... Autism is known as a complex development disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person’s communication and social interaction skills. People with autism activities that include an element of play and banter (

Why suddenly i share my thought about autism? Whether you know or didn’t realize, ipad able to help children who diagnosing with autism symptom. I had a friend whereby her son is autistic. My friend suddenly realized when her son refused to talk after he reached 3 years old. Apart from that, he also having problem with mingled around with his four siblings’ sister. She carefully observes her son in term of social capability and communication skills. With heavy heart, she to make appointment with therapist.  As parents, she wants the best for his son. She make an effort on how cure or overcome the symptom of autism and she knows there is other way to overcome this autism. According to therapist, autism cannot be cure but the only way is to do a treatment options that available to help autistic lead as normal a life as possible.  She makes some research on the autistic and she found that ipad actually able to help autism. Isn’t it miracle? her son now uses the iPad daily as a way to play games, communicate about ideas and even make puzzles. The touch screen and layout makes it more accessible for some children with coordination or learning difficulties, who may find ‘sliding’ and tapping easier than either typing or writing. Moreover, the iPad can be easily carried, and thus is helpful for calming and focusing children who are on the go.

Autism experts like Dr. Martha Herbert an assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical and Stephen Shore, wrote the “Understanding Autism for Dummies” agree about the Ipad usefulness. According to a CDC study, means kids have ‘no control over the pace of information coming at them, “ Herbert told “They are not distracted by context. With the iPad, she said, the child has more control. Shore, who struggled with autism as a child himself, said the Ipad might be difference between communicating with the outside world and being locked into a closed state. Interestingly, he says it might be first of several gadgets that actually free a child from some effects of autism and that additional devices, including those that augment speech will also help. Mark Coppin, the assistive Technology Director at the Anne Carlsen Center in Jamestown North Dakota which uses Ipad as part of their special education programs. Ipad lets autistic kids have direct control over the interface unlike a laptop that uses a keyboard and mouse.

Is ipad miracle device for autistic? Everyone has their own thoughts and opinion. As for myself, ipad as same with other devices. Ipad is only way to make autistic focus, creative in their own way. Well, technologies does help them..


Thanks you STEVE JOB!!



Nowadays, technologies have become basic needs for every people. For example, without carrying laptops or computers, you feel incomplete. You will scratch your head and asking yourself ‘oh! No! What I’m going to do without my laptop?’ i smiled when one of my friends who had experience laptop crashes. Her life s totally miserable without laptop. All her daily work and personal had vanished. If i were in her shoes definitely I’ll lost.

It shows that, people are high depending on the technologies. No doubt technologies helped people in doing work or certain things that we think complex, but technologies will makes us weak, lazy and unproductively. Just imagine, what will be happen when the machine is out of service, people cannot do anything at all. Therefore, technology plays a major role. We live in a society where everything is so convenient, easily accessible and suited to fit in our personal schedules. Our entire world is slowly but surely being taken over by technology

In the book “Technology Matters: Questions to Live With,” author David E. Nye addresses the importance of technology and the impact it has on our daily lives. He writes: “Technology matters because it is inseparable from human beings.” Nye continues, “We are intimate with devices and machines from an early age as children.”

As examples; washing machine is the good that make life easier for housewives, people save their memories with photographers or video cameras, the most important invention in modern age -computers are used on many areas to make solution easier. There are many modern tools like these examples making life better for us but it matters according to use of it. Sometimes people could get harm by modern tools if they don't be careful on use of it. For example, computers are dangerous and waste of time when they are not used carefully. So that, the most useful tool would convert to the most harmful tool.

In modern age, we stopped our many habits even traditional ones. For Muslims in Hari Raya, visiting our elders is a great action. But slowly new generation loses that special habit. We humans are social creatures so must live together and communicate. Technology made communication easier for us. In spite of this, people waste their time with technology and this situation makes us antisocial. There are many killers of time in modern tools. Even we forget everything in life, only focus on these kind of things. Even old social games left their places to antisocial computer games. Change of habits and traditional actions disturbs old people but young people are not disturbed about this situation
Lastly, let’s not blame technology for this. Technologies can’t make decisions for us. technology has given us is entirely up to us that we have decided to spend that time unproductively indoors is no fault of technologies.  Till then..



today 8/10/2012, i'm proud of myself that i have my own blog... tq Prof Zaidi.. all this while, i never thought i will have a blog..
the actual fact, i'm not fancy with blog. my first impression about for those people who have past time.. what i'm trying to say is, blog can be a hobby for those people who has free time. most bloggers, wrote on their personal life,cursing with bad words (which is not me). i'm rather keep my daily life as personal rather than to spread it to whole world. and furthermore, i have no time to write blog.
but today.... I'M BREAK MY OWN RECORD!!! i can't believe to myself. i have my blog.. and now i know, blog not only sharing your own personal life..but also you can sharing your own opinion, ideas, thought and do a business..

tq Prof for opened my eyes... please take a good side of the blog...till then..